• 2 Reasons Why You Should Not Attempt To Install Your Lawn's New Sod Yourself

    If you have multiple bare spots in your yard, you may have decided to forego trying to plant seeds and hoping they sprout, and instead, lay sod. Because the process seems fairly easy and straightforward, you may wish to try to install it yourself. However, there is more to laying down sod than simply scraping off the old grass and rolling on the new. Below are a couple of reasons why you should not attempt to install your lawn's sod yourself.
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  • Shutters for Protection Against Hurricanes

    When storms develop, they can cause a substantial amount of damage to a house within a matter of minutes. For example, houses that are constructed near the ocean are usually at a higher risk of getting damaged by the strong winds and rain that hurricanes produce. Due to the short time span in which hurricanes are able to cause destruction, there isn't a lot of time for homeowners to prepare, unless it's done well in advance.
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  • Tips For Taking Good Care Of Your New Canvas Canopy

    If you need more shade in your yard so you can enjoy outdoor activities, consider installing a canvas canopy. Some canopies are large and installed permanently while others are smaller and can be stored when you're not using them. No matter what type of canvas canopy you buy, it has to be cared for properly so it lasts a long time and holds on to its beauty. Here are some tips for canvas canopy care.
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  • 3 Ways To Keep Patio Covers In Better Condition

    When it comes to protecting your home, it can be easy to get complacent about daily chores. Parts of your home that are only used seasonally, such as your patio, are particularly prone to wear and tear. However, by making a few thoughtful choices, you can keep things in better shape. Here are three ways to keep patio covers in better condition.  1. Make Seasonal Maintenance a Priority Outdoor objects can be very difficult to keep clean and functional, especially when they can collect standing water, snow, ice, or dead leaves.
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  • Why You Should Hire A Professional Window Replacement Service

    It can be tempting to try to finish home projects yourself. Not only does the up-front cost of a window repair service scare many people, but for many fixing their own windows seems easier. However, there are many reasons why it's better to call a professional. Do-it-yourself window inserts may not always work, and calling a professional not only reduces the risk that you'll install your window incorrectly but also that you'll waste your time.
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