
  • Safety Tips: Buying Furniture For A Child On The Autism Spectrum

    Shopping for furniture for your child's room can be a fun and exciting process, but when you have a child on the autism spectrum, it's not as easy as just looking for the style or color that fits your child's preferences. You'll have to consider sensory and safety factors that other parents may not have to be concerned with. If you're new to furniture shopping for special needs kids, it can be a confusing process.
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  • How New Parents Can Do Their Part To Reduce Waste And Save Money

    Being a new parent is exciting and challenging. But each new addition to this planet creates an environmental impact that cannot be ignored. Considering that several hundred million tons of trash are tossed into America's landfills each year, you need to know how to do your part to keep this amount as low as possible. So while you're bonding with your new bundle of joy, here are four areas in which you can minimize your trash output to help the environment and even save some money.
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  • Leaving Mice Out In The Cold: Tips To Keep Them Out Of Your House

    When the cold temperatures settle in during the winter months, mice scramble to find warm, dry places to nest. This means that your home is at a greater risk of mouse infestation during the winter months than you might think. If the idea of sharing your space with rodents makes you shiver more than the winter wind, you'll want to protect your house. Here are some tips to help you keep mice outside where they belong.
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